Gerard de Melo

Gerard de Melo (Photographer: Kay Herschelmann)


Professor, Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems
Hasso Plattner Institute / University of Potsdam
Potsdam, Germany


Member of University of Potsdam Cognitive Sciences Research Focus

Member of ELLIS Unit Potsdam


E-Mail/Contact Details

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Quick Links: Team | Projects/Downloads | Awards and Recognition | Publications | Talks | Professional Activities | Teaching | Misc.


Curriculum Vitae

Team and Research Foci

I am leading the AI and Intelligent Systems group at HPI, which currently consists of 20+ staff members plus various master's and bachelor's students. We conduct interdisciplinary research in computer science and beyond. The vision driving this research is the idea that there is now so much digital data out there that machines ought to be able to learn to guide us in almost every aspect of our daily life, e.g. by addressing our information needs and helping us make more informed decisions. This, however, requires novel algorithms that simultaneously learn and integrate information from multiple heterogeneous data sources in order to make sense of human language and more generally of the world.

More specifically, my research interests include:

  • AI and Machine Learning, especially for Large Language Models and Natural Language Processing
  • Cross-modal AI, e.g. incorporating knowledge graphs, vision-language models
  • Societal and philosophical aspects of AI

Join us!

Get in touch with me if you are seeking PhD or Post-Doc opportunities at one of the top universities for computer science in Germany, located in the attractive and very international Berlin area.
More details.

HPI AI and Intelligent Systems group picture by Sebastian Rost
LLM I Don't Know Training

Grants, Awards, and Recognition


Research Grants and Scholarships

Projects and Downloads

Gorilla Conservation AI
Developing computer vision techniques to support gorilla conservation efforts in the Congo rainforest in joint work with Sabine Plattner African Charities (thanks to Magdalena Bermejo) and Conservation X Labs (thanks to Dante Wasmuth). HPI PI Maximilian Schall presented this to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.
Sidewalk Ballet
We are investigating computer vision techniques to support urban studies on pedestrian walkability (Jane Jacob's Sidewalk Ballet) in a collaboration with Andres Sevtsuk (MIT) and Maryam Hosseini (Berkeley).
A vision-language model for the medical domain led by Sedigheh Eslami. Also available on HuggingFace.
Contributes information about words and other language-related entities to the Linked Data Web and Semantic Web, leading to a Web of Data in which the British Library, the Spanish National Library, and others have linked their data to, and in turn connects its own data to other valuable resources.
AI Service Center
The AI Service Center Berlin-Brandenburg conducts research on how to best provide AI cloud and consultancy services to third-party organizations. Funded by BMBF.

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Selected Publications

Publications by Topic: All | LLMs and NLP | Knowledge Graphs | Computer Vision/Multimodality | Social Media/Search | Source Code

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Further Information


Public Speaking
Over 50 public lectures and invited talks given at events and institutions in the US, Europe, and Asia.

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Professional Activities
Editorial board memberships, organized events, over 100 PC memberships, etc.

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I mainly teach courses related to data science, Big Data, and Deep Learning/AI/NLP.

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Programming Languages

▶ Java
▶ C#
▶ C++
▶ Python
▶ etc.


© 2022 Gerard de Melo